SD International is one of the leading Dyes exporters of high grade and superior quality products in India to an industry-wide customer base.
Sdcryl Black Fbl 300% Dyes
Sdcryl Black Fbl 300% Dyes belongs to the category of Dyes having CAS number NA. The synonym of Sdcryl Black Fbl 300% Dyes is NA. The molecular weight of Sdcryl Black Fbl 300% Dyes is NA g/mol and the molecular formula is NA. The colour index number is 0. The physical appearance of Sdcryl Black Fbl 300% Dyes is Black.
For more detailed information about Sdcryl Black Fbl 300% Dyes | NA chemical, its chemical composition, physical properties, uses and applications or your exact chemical needs, call us at +91 99206 69561 contact SD International.