Organic Pigment Orange 13 belongs to the category of Pigments having CAS number 3520-72-7. The synonyms of Organic Pigment Orange 13 are Eljon Orange GNS, Flexiverse Orange 13, Oppasin Orange 3050, Panax Orange P, Permanent Orange G, and Fast Orange G. The molecular weight of Organic Pigment Orange 13 is 623.49 g/mol and the molecular formula is C32H24Cl2N8O2. The color index number is 21110. The physical appearance of Organic Pigment Orange 13 is Red Orange.
Insoluble in water.
Soluble in conc sulphuric acid and nitric acid.
Suitable in pigment, color, rubber, coating, printing ink, latex, and PVC products coloring.
Used for leather, viscose protoplasmic coloring, and used as natural raw lacquer.